Maintenance – LMM

As ATS, we deal with maintenance, which covers all processes related to the technical infrastructure in production, such as machines and plants. We focus on ensuring proper operation through maintenance, repair and optimisation of production systems.

Comprehensive maintenance

The increase in the availability of machinery and technical systems while maintaining, or even reducing, operating costs is receiving increasing attention. The effective management of preventive maintenance activities plays a key role in improvement methods in this respect.

By implementing outsourcing, a company should achieve benefits that can be both quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative benefits include optimisation and cost reduction, while qualitative benefits are about increasing the level of availability of the equipment and improving occupational safety.

Our range of services includes:

  • Emergency repairs to machinery
  • Preventive maintenance on machinery
  • Criticality analysis of machinery/spare parts
  • Root cause analysis
  • Condition monitoring
  • Prevention plans
  • Performance measurements (KPIs)
  • Management of spare parts and machinery in CMMS
  • Maintenance implementation and development programme
  • Competence management programme (Skills Matrix)
  • Technical management strategy
  • Development and implementation of the TPM

Advantages of outsourcing maintenance

  • The company/organisation can focus on its main objectives
  • Lower costs compared to insourcing (HR, equipment, training, absence from work)
  • Smaller organisational structure – more effective management
  • Specialisation and access to external know-how
  • Guarantee of continuity of service during holiday periods
  • Planning of necessary repairs before breakdowns occur
  • Improved work efficiency

Hybrid maintenance

Hybrid maintenance is an innovative service launched by our company. It combines service and maintenance responsibilities. The model enables our customers to benefit from opportunities such as reduced inspection times and downtimes, optimal use of staff resources, and financial savings. Our hybrid maintenance service can be used in a variety of industries and has the potential to grow. The process of establishing a relationship with customers consists in adapting to the nature of the production line and providing a high-quality service.

Advantages of hybrid maintenance

  • Clear and optimal strategy
  • Transparent cost allocation
  • No influence of HR factors on prevention plans
  • Specific and repeatable inspection times
  • Access to extensive know-how (in terms of processes and works)
  • The organisation can focus on its main objectives

Hybrid maintenance is a solution for the 21st century

We introduced hybrid maintenance at a food company. Prior to hybrid maintenance, inspections took around 6–7 days and line downtimes were up to 48 hours. The hybrid model reduced the inspection time to 4 days and line downtime to 2–6 hours. Savings in time and money are measurable benefits for companies using hybrid maintenance. The benefit for one of our customers is that their employees do not have to leave their regular tasks. They are not assigned to perform an inspection so that they can deal with ongoing work, such as troubleshooting or line optimisation. This has contributed significantly to the company’s ongoing cooperation with ATS.

Another company that has implemented hybrid maintenance is an iron foundry from Germany. We were commissioned to provide preventive maintenance. A measurable benefit for the customer is that we work on weekends. The team is on site on Friday and we start work on Saturday. We provide a comprehensive service for the production line. Affordable weekend rates for maintenance are crucial here. Employing a company from Poland in Germany means 40% savings. In addition, our service is carried out when production is at a standstill so there is no need for additional line downtimes. 

Does it matter what industry a company is in?

There is no clear-cut rule for what industries should choose hybrid maintenance. However, the more specialised the industry and machinery, the more reserved the approach to maintenance. The maintenance market has been heavily undermined by fraudulent companies for many years, resulting in distrust of outsourcing services. However, the pandemic has made it necessary for companies to open up to new solutions, such as hybrid maintenance, in order to maintain production continuity, even under difficult conditions.

Lean Machine Maintenance

  • Staff shortages in the maintenance department
  • Machine downtime
  • Failure to carry out machine inspections on time

These are currently some of the most common challenges faced by maintenance managers, says Wojciech Dudek, Machinery Service and Maintenance Manager at ATS. As someone with many years of experience in managing maintenance departments, I know and understand each of these challenges very well. Today, I can say with full responsibility that we have a solution.

The Lean Machine Maintenance (LMM)
strategy is successfully implemented at our customers and helps them overcome their daily challenges.

Do you have any questions?

Write to us or call us. You will receive a free quotation for the service.

Wojciech Dudek Manager ds. Serwisu Maszyn i UR

“Nie stawiamy na przypadek, zawsze jesteśmy przygotowani. Wiemy, że jak coś działa dobrze, wszyscy myślą, że nie wymaga pracy. Problem zradza się wtedy, gdy jeden z elementów układanki zaczyna szwankować.”

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